2nd September, 2009
I didn't expect an earthquake to happen but it actually did. Yesterday, at the Middle School campus, at lunch break, about 12 o clock, a black snake( I have no idea what type of species it is) slithered out of a hole near a tree freaking out many students as it passes by. I was noticing why that snake randomly slithered out of that hole? Well, it's actually because that most of the animals could sense if there's an earthquake before humans do. 3 hours later, the earthquake began as in BOOM BOOM BAM BAM.An earthquake starts when its tectonic plates underwater rises up but one of the tectonic plates rose up than the other in Indonesia causing a tsunami and 536 people died from that earthquake. I really don't know how those 536 people died but I think they died because maybe some or many died from falling buildings and bridges and died inside a building( like that house on the top right corner) but most of the people died in West Java. Most of the people in Indonesia needed to evacuate from their homes so they would be safe.
1 comment:
Rgee, you have much, much good information here, but it is not organized around the standards. This writing looks random, when it should be a clear explanation of the social studies standards in the context of the earthquake. This is not easy, but you should be getting it.
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