Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Journal Writing: Sick!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry bout the last journal writing i wrote. it sounded crazy and I'm not gonna try to make a think, think, think part 3 to all of you who hated my previous journal writing and I'm saying sorry to the people who loved my previous writing. Anyways, I think I'm  gonnna write what i did when i was sick. Starting from the day before, after spanish class, i felt really sick so i went to the nurse. they said that i had tonsilitis( which i kinda normally get when im sick). Tonsilitis is this illness where your tonsils hurt ( that wobbly thing that hangs above your tongue just like in the cartoons and when Buck from ice age 3 was holding on that thing to get out of rudy's tooth) and you get fever too. my mom told me to gargle with this glass of salty water and to drink ginger and lemon water. day 2 or tuesday, my fever was gone but my tonsils hurt really bad more than the one in the first day. I asked nick wats the homework and then i did the homework like as usual except i didn't complete all of them and then i rested a bit and then slept. day 3 or today, I felt completely well!!!! and that's how I ended up sitting on this blue chair, with my hands on the laptop in q2 in middle school in cilandak in jis in jakarta in java in indonesia in southeast asia in asia in the world. actually, it isn't that wobbly thing but it is between its two sides.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Vocab 7 Definitions

Mildew- A disgusting growth which is mostly on clothes and has fungi on it. It feels cold and damp.
Out of the blue- A comment or speech which kind of comes out of nowhere and unexpectedly.
Hesitantly- Someone does an action very carefully and slowly, for example you say a Spanish poem in a very choppy way.
Chateau- A luxurious and big home but not like a castle.
Thunderous- Angry, mad, furious.
Contradiction- To disagree or deny on something. This is often used in the Court.
Faults- A bunch of mistakes or failure on something you're trying to do.
Preserve- To keep something safe and original.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Journal Writing: This is too crazy ( AKA Think,think,think part 2)

Whoa!!!!! I made 7 touchdowns at touch rugby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it awesome or what? Well, that's my update and I think I'll be writing bout............. uuuuhhhhh............... uhhhhhhhhhh............... I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well at least I thought of the same title. Uhhhhh........... uhhhhhhh........... uhhhhhhhh............. I don't know what to write in my journal entry. Maybe I'll write about why I can't write things in my journal entry now! It's because i can't think of anything. hmmmmm.... or maybe it's because all of them are secret...... I can't tell whether it's the first or the second. Hey! I got an idea, I'll write which choice is better choice 1 or 2! hmmmmmm........ I don't think that will work. Hey! I got an idea, i'll write about why things don't work! Maybe it's because they're sometimes malfunctioned and........... I can't think of anything now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the craziest journal writing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!