Previously in Vampire Mountain, the Vampire Princes presents Darren a test so he can be proven to be loyal to the Vampire Race. The test is called The Trials of Death and has 52( or maybe over 52) trials in total but Darren has to choose 5 in random choosing. The first one is the Aquatic Maze where he has to go to one of the five exits in fifteen minutes carrying a rock( a heavy one of course) or the maze will be filled with water and he will sink. I thought that the maze was an aquarium full of fish but it wasn't. Vanez trained and supported Darren by letting him practice in a smaller aquatic maze. Mr Crepsley said that he and the vampires will prepare a huge feast if Darren finishes through the maze. The second trial is the Path of Needles and it's smaller than the first one but twice as deadly. In the Path, there are stalagmites and stalactites. When Darren was at the middle of the trial,
a stalagmite wobbled, fell on him, stabbed through his stomach but somehow, Darren was still alive(I was wondering how he became alive, was it because of his half-vampire abilities?). Anyways, the third Trial is a place full of fire bursting out of the ground. This Trial was Darren's worst one especially at the end, his skin was pure black like he looks like a lump of coal( Do you see the book cover? That was how he felt!) The fourth Trial is the Wild Boars when Darren has to battle two mad and aggressive boars. I thought that the two boars would turn into pork chops that easily but I didn't know that they had tusks! Gavner gives him only a club and a spear. Darren almost died from the fourth trial but Harkat Mulds( a person made of dead body organs of a human) saved him from the boars. Unfortunately, the Vampire Princes called that a cheat and Darren and Harkat's punishment is to die in the Hall of Death( they die by falling down on stakes). Mr Crepsley disagreed that Harkat must die because he was the messenger from Mr Tiny( he sent a message which kind of said like" The Vampaneze Lord shall rise" or something like that) and Gavner Purl helps Darren to escape. Somehow, Kurda Smahlt kills Gavner and betrays the vampires and joins the vampanezes. Well, I really didn't have a favorite part because the book had a sad ending
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