Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Darren Shan: Allies of the Night

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Darren Shan: Hunters of Dusk

In the seventh book, a war called War of the Scars has started between the Vampires and the Vampaneze and Mr Tiny goes to Vampire Mountain and tells the prophecy to the Vampire Princes that the only way to defeat the Vampaneze Lord was to send 2 vampires. Non-vampires were also allowed to come but 2 vampires was the limit. The 2 vampires were Darren Shan and Mr Crepsley. Harkat Mulds joined in too. Their journey starts at Lady Evanna's cave so she can tell them that they have 4 chances to defeat the Vampaneze Lord and what lies ahead of their journey. Lady Evanna is a sorceress with really strong powers but not strong as Mr Tiny's. Before that happened, they met a Vampire Prince named Vancha March who chose to live in the wild and he joins in their mission. Vancha and Mr Crepsley told Darren that Evanna was not a witch( although she looked like one, she isn't). When they reached the cave( the place was filled with frogs!), they saw Evanna who looked liked a witch and since she didn't liked to be called a witch, Darren asked if she's a witch. When Evanna heard about this, she was furious and started shouting, blaming that it was Vancha and Mr Crepsley's fault that they did not tell him not to call her a witch. To show proof she isn't a witch, Lady Evanna magically transformed into a beautiful woman( who kind of looks like Cinderella). They stayed and relaxed in her cave and then the next day, Evanna said that she would come with them. So Lady Evanna, Vancha March, Larten Crepsley( that's Mr Crepsley's full name), Harkat Mulds and Darren Shan setted off. Their next stop was the Cirque Du Freak circus because they thought that the Vampaneze Lord was there. Darren was excited about coming back to meet his old friends especially Evra Von the snake boy. There, Evra introduced Darren to his son, Shancus( I forgot his other children's names). Both father and son, were good at performing at the circus. But somehow, at midnight, Darren heard voices outside his tent and he realized that Evanna was talking to a group of Vampaneze( and a servant with a hood)! He alerted Vancha, Larten and Harkat that they were here so they attacked them. The vampires were winning but Vancha was about to battle a vampaneze when he let him escape with the servant. I thought tha t Vancha was really foolish but the reason why he let the vampaneze escape is that he is his brother! But who was the servant? Well, Vancha said that his brother's the royal protector of the Vampaneze Lord so that was actually him, disguised as a servant! They lost a chance to defeat him. The 3 vampires and the Little Person went up to Lady Evanna why she was on the side of the Vampaneze? She said that she was on nobody's side and she was asking them questions. This is a really good book because there was a surprising ending!
6 sentences featuring I and Me
2) My friend and I played Xbox 360.
3) My brother and I played basketball.
4) The gym teacher talked with me and Bob
5) The principal got mad at me and Bob.
6) My parents at found me and Bob.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Darren Shan: The Vampire Prince

This book has a happy ending but also has a sad ending because Kurda Smahlt got executed because Darren told the Vampire Princes that Kurda killed Gavner and he was also in the side of the Vampaneze. When they found out, they needed evidence so Darren led them to the place where he found like about a couple of dozens of Vampaneze. Then a battle began between the Vampires and the Vampaneze. In the middle of that, Darren was battling one of them and wounded him badly. The vampaneze died for no reason. Anyways, The Vampires won but Arra Sails died from a Vampaneze( he has a birthmark somewhere on his cheek). Darren was furious so he...... well I really don't want to say it but he killed him. 2 days later, he felt bad about himself that he didn't give the poor vampaneze some mercy and also, he remembered the good times with his friend Kurda and how friendly he is. Thinking about him, half of Darren's mind is full of hatred and thinks Kurda deserved it but the other half felt as if Kurda was being friendly, nice and loyal to the Vampire Race. Oh, I almost forgot, the reason why there was a happy ending is because that Darren Shan turned into a Vampire Prince and that is also my favorite part because throughout the 5 books of the Darren Shan Saga, he has fought many great battles for his friends and the Vampire Race and also, he warned them that there were Vampaneze in their territory, planning to attack so he deserved to be the leader of the race.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hank the Cowdog: The Fling

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Hank the Cowdog: Case of the Deadly Ha-Ha Game

The series is about a dog named Hank who protects his owner's farm( or for short, he is head of ranch security) and goes on many fun adventures with his partner, Drover.
In the 37th book, Pete the barn cat tells to Hank that in every end of a rainbow, there was a pot of gold. Hank doesn't believe it but when he saw a rainbow, he knew that at a very end of a rainbow has a pot of potted chicken! So he and Drover goes out in search of the treasure. In the middle of the journey, Rip and Snort, two coyotes block their way and try to steal the treasure( or what they call it, potty chicken!). So Hank had a plan to challenge the two coyotes in a game called The Deadly Ha Ha Game where you have to say "ha" and the opponent says "ha ha" and then you say" ha ha ha" and so on until one of you start laughing. I was wondering how can they laugh by saying the words? Anyways, my favorite part of the book is of course, where they play the Ha Ha game. I would like to recommend this book to people whose favorites are comedy, action and adventure. Oh and I forgot, this book is rated *****
Friday, September 11, 2009
Darren Shan: Trials of Death

Previously in Vampire Mountain, the Vampire Princes presents Darren a test so he can be proven to be loyal to the Vampire Race. The test is called The Trials of Death and has 52( or maybe over 52) trials in total but Darren has to choose 5 in random choosing. The first one is the Aquatic Maze where he has to go to one of the five exits in fifteen minutes carrying a rock( a heavy one of course) or the maze will be filled with water and he will sink. I thought that the maze was an aquarium full of fish but it wasn't. Vanez trained and supported Darren by letting him practice in a smaller aquatic maze. Mr Crepsley said that he and the vampires will prepare a huge feast if Darren finishes through the maze. The second trial is the Path of Needles and it's smaller than the first one but twice as deadly. In the Path, there are stalagmites and stalactites. When Darren was at the middle of the trial,
a stalagmite wobbled, fell on him, stabbed through his stomach but somehow, Darren was still alive(I was wondering how he became alive, was it because of his half-vampire abilities?). Anyways, the third Trial is a place full of fire bursting out of the ground. This Trial was Darren's worst one especially at the end, his skin was pure black like he looks like a lump of coal( Do you see the book cover? That was how he felt!) The fourth Trial is the Wild Boars when Darren has to battle two mad and aggressive boars. I thought that the two boars would turn into pork chops that easily but I didn't know that they had tusks! Gavner gives him only a club and a spear. Darren almost died from the fourth trial but Harkat Mulds( a person made of dead body organs of a human) saved him from the boars. Unfortunately, the Vampire Princes called that a cheat and Darren and Harkat's punishment is to die in the Hall of Death( they die by falling down on stakes). Mr Crepsley disagreed that Harkat must die because he was the messenger from Mr Tiny( he sent a message which kind of said like" The Vampaneze Lord shall rise" or something like that) and Gavner Purl helps Darren to escape. Somehow, Kurda Smahlt kills Gavner and betrays the vampires and joins the vampanezes. Well, I really didn't have a favorite part because the book had a sad ending
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Darren Shan: Vampire Mountain

Monday, September 7, 2009
Darren Shan: Tunnels of Blood

The third sequel of Darren Shan is an extremely good book because it has many twists . At the start of the book, it was almost Christmas and Darren, Mr Crepsley and Evra moves into the city. Darren explains to Evra what the city looks like and how humans live in it and also, he explains to him about Christmas. Even Evra loved watching TV all day! I was thinking how it felt like watching TV 24/7. What's quite weird is that Mr Crepsley is always out at midnight( because he's a full vampire) without telling Darren and Evra what's going on. So they followed Mr Crepsley every night which leads them into tunnels full of blood. At first, before I read this book, I was asking myself that why the title was called Tunnels of blood. Then I found out that why it was called Tunnels of blood because it was the home of an evil and mad vampaneze called Murlough. Following Mr Crepsley was a big mistake because he was battling Murlough and Darren was in the middle of it( Evra was hiding in a room). Somehow, Darren wasn't noticing that he was blocking Mr Crepsley's way to get Murlough and he escaped. Mr Crepsley was mad at Darren but they didn't have time to argue here because they have to fetch Evra. When they came into the room Evra was hiding, he was gone. I knew that was it was that nasty Murlough who kidnapped him. My favorite part was at the ending because Mr Crepsley setted a trap for Murlough( you should read that book of how that happened).
Darren Shan: The Vampire's Assistant

After Darren became a half-vampire he was too dangerous to live with his family because vampires and half-vampires have incredible strength and abilities that might harm a human. He was sad about having no friends to be with( he doesn't even want to be friends with Mr. Crepsley!). But Mr. Crepsley had an idea of making friends with the freaks of Cirque Du Freak to cheer Darren up. The next day, he introduced Darren to a snake-boy named Evra Von and both of them became best friends. And then after that, Darren and Evra became friends with 2 humans named Sam Grest and R.V.( which standed for Reggie Veggie) My favorite part was when Darren Shan and Sam fought the wolf-man( a half man and half wolf) who ripped R.V.'s hands off. I was very sad at the ending of the book because Sam got eaten by the wolf-man. The wolf-man isn't evil because he was naturally born mad.
Darren Shan: Cirque Du Freak

This book is about a boy named Darren Shan who loves watching horror movies and reading horror books. He had an ordinary life as a human until one day, his life changed forever. On that day, he found this newspaper ad in a trash can. The ad was called Cirque Du Freak( or in English, it is Circus of Freaks) and since Darren loved horror, he wanted to go to the circus. So he and his friends, Steve, Alan and Tommy decided to make a plan to get there. The plan was that Steve goes to the ticket booth at midnight( because he's the best at sneaking out without his parents noticing) and buy four tickets. Unfortunately, he got 2 tickets because at midnight, he saw that the ticket seller got arrested by the police for illegal ticket selling. Now the question is that how did Steve get the 2 tickets? The answer is: When he was watching the ticket seller getting arrested, a short man randomly went to Steve and gave him 2 free tickets for no reason. I was wondering, who will get the 2 tickets and how will the four kids solve it out?
The next day, Steve told Darren, Alan and Tommy that he got 2 tickets instead of four. They discussed who will get the 2 tickets? Then, they came up with the results. They gave one ticket to Steve because he was the one who sneaked out and get the tickets but who will get the other ticket? Steve came up with a contest. He shredded a piece of paper in to small bits, he puts them into a jar, and then he gets the last ticket and puts it into the jar too. The goal to win is to get the ticket by picking from the jar one time in each turn. Tommy and Alan kept on ending up having paper bits on their hands but when it was Darren's turn, JACKPOT! He got the other ticket. Now that was part of the story the next part is when Steve and Darren go to the circus( you should read the book if you're interested in it and want to read more). To make a long story short, the freaks in the circus were amazing and horrible at the same time and Steve recognized one of those freaks, Mr Crepsley( he's some kind of like a spider trainer because he owns a spider named Madam Octa) because he is actually a vampire. Then Darren steals Madam Octa so he could pet her but Madam Octa poisons Steve. So Darren finds Madam Octa's real owner, Mr Crepsley so he could ask him what was the antidote to cure Steve. But Mr Crepsley made a deal that if he cures Steve then he would turn Darren into a half-vampire. This is a very good book because it is full of horror and suspense. I would recommend it to the people who loves horror and vampires
Characterization of Darren Shan( he is both character and author but I'm talking about the character)

Thursday, September 3, 2009
The Earthquake yesterday

I didn't expect an earthquake to happen but it actually did. Yesterday, at the Middle School campus, at lunch break, about 12 o clock, a black snake( I have no idea what type of species it is) slithered out of a hole near a tree freaking out many students as it passes by. I was noticing why that snake randomly slithered out of that hole? Well, it's actually because that most of the animals could sense if there's an earthquake before humans do. 3 hours later, the earthquake began as in BOOM BOOM BAM BAM.An earthquake starts when its tectonic plates underwater rises up but one of the tectonic plates rose up than the other in Indonesia causing a tsunami and 536 people died from that earthquake. I really don't know how those 536 people died but I think they died because maybe some or many died from falling buildings and bridges and died inside a building( like that house on the top right corner) but most of the people died in West Java. Most of the people in Indonesia needed to evacuate from their homes so they would be safe.