Yes! It’s out! Wait, wait a sec, you heard me say that? Well, I know, I know, you don’t know what I’m talking about do you? Ok, let’s take a flashback. 1 hour ago and my story will begin.
It’s a beautiful day and I walked to my backyard when my dog jumped out and licked me! Disgusting isn’t it? Well, what’s kind of weird is after licking me, she bit my foot! Ouch, ow and ouchy! It was the first time she bit me and I somehow saw small tooth marks but it didn’t hurt badly. Next she went off, took one of my mom’s slippers and started chewing on it! And then shakes it until it slams on the door and then bites something else leaving more tooth marks and drool on the poor slipper. She even chewed on my shorts and my little brother’s teddy bear! I was wondering why she’s biting on anything that stands on her way?
I decided to call my mom and she came downstairs. I told her what happened so she checked inside my dog’s mouth and there was a broken tooth! One of the maids knew what to do, she got a piece of sewing thread, wrapped it around the dog’s mouth and ……I don’t want to say this because it’s painful but she pulled it out! My dog started yipping and yapping loudly! I felt sorry for the poor animal but it was worth it because if the tooth wasn’t removed, my dog would still bite things and ruin them. Don’t worry if that’s the only story I wrote because I have more stories, like the time I went back to the Philippines. Right now, I’m still on it, typing about it and that will be my forthcoming story, The Day I went to the Philippines! But now, how’s my story? Good or bad? Anyways, like in the movies, The End!
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