Whose Ad: Tobin's Ad
Purpose: To convince video gamers and computer gamers to get Need for Speed: Shift
Target Audience: 12-18 male gamers
Why effective: The video game has excellent graphics and it looks really awesome and real.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Ask any question or just lie
If I were Jonas, I would ask any question because you can get anything you didn't know yet and it's also the right thing because you're being honest unlike to lie. It's also right because you can figure out the unknown and if you can't ask any question, you won't get answers so that's why it's better to ask any question instead of to lie.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Journal Entry: The very last.... i think
As for my last journal entry, I would write something that's good...... or maybe not. Still, like as always, I don't know what to write. I'm not in the mood for writing something anyway. Or am I?
I'm really nervous of the VPA concert which is gonna happen tomorrow and the day after!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even, if I'm still prepared of what music i'm gonna play, i'm somehow just nervous. I couldn't think of anything else to write........ I don't know wat to write. and at the tournament, my team ended up 2nd place. Couldn't think of anything else. I don't know what to write now, since summer is getting closer. Now with that coming, I could just sit back and relax.
I'm really nervous of the VPA concert which is gonna happen tomorrow and the day after!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even, if I'm still prepared of what music i'm gonna play, i'm somehow just nervous. I couldn't think of anything else to write........ I don't know wat to write. and at the tournament, my team ended up 2nd place. Couldn't think of anything else. I don't know what to write now, since summer is getting closer. Now with that coming, I could just sit back and relax.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Jonas' Journal Entry
Dear Journal,
It was confusing of how I got to be the next Receiver of Memory and I shall got it. It started at the Auditorium and it happened at the Ceremony of Twelve when we, the Elevens took our seat in our number order (Our number is our birth number). The Chief Elder called out our names by number except she skipped mine. I really felt humiliated that all of my friends, including Asher and Fiona had their own Assignments except for me. Then the audience was confused that the Chief Elder skipped my number, from 18 (Fiona's number) to 20 (Pierre's number) so the she called me out and she announced that I was the next Receiver of Memory.
It was confusing of how I got to be the next Receiver of Memory and I shall got it. It started at the Auditorium and it happened at the Ceremony of Twelve when we, the Elevens took our seat in our number order (Our number is our birth number). The Chief Elder called out our names by number except she skipped mine. I really felt humiliated that all of my friends, including Asher and Fiona had their own Assignments except for me. Then the audience was confused that the Chief Elder skipped my number, from 18 (Fiona's number) to 20 (Pierre's number) so the she called me out and she announced that I was the next Receiver of Memory.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Target Audience: Runners (both men and women)
Why Clio chose that: Because the bench is a sign for runners to keep on running instead of resting (there's no seat)
-ElementsSymbolism: Nike Symbol
Body-Language: No person in the advertisement
Camera Angles: The position of the camera angle is in front of the item and in the corner of the item.
Special Effects: Removal of the bench seat.
Lighting and Colour: There are light colors such as light brown and there's green grass as the backround.
Beauty and Social Standing: None
Layout and Graphics: There is writing in front of the bench which says 'run' to people passing by.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Journal Writing
Today, I'll talk about the future and what will it look like in my mind. I think that it will look like floating buildings with floating cars and....... you know what I mean. And then there will be floating food and floating people, floating everywhere....
Anyways, the YBA Playoffs is at Saturday, 1:30pm to 6:00pm, at JIS, New Gym (lower) to people out there who want to come. Speaking of the Playoffs... actually, nevermind.
So.... (so bored......) I couldn't think of anything else to write...... so bored.......
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Persuasive writing
The Arjaylite Shoe!
Target Audience: 20 year old guys
Tired of being last place in every running competition? Then get the Arjaylite Shoe cuz' this is gonna change your life forever! With comfortable cushioning in it and its light weight (about 70 grams), this will make you first place and it will attract the girls because of its completely awesome design. And to make your life better, the price starts amazingly with a 50% discount; so remember, when you see the Olympics coming, grab the Arjaylite and run like the wind!
Target Audience: 20 year old guys
Tired of being last place in every running competition? Then get the Arjaylite Shoe cuz' this is gonna change your life forever! With comfortable cushioning in it and its light weight (about 70 grams), this will make you first place and it will attract the girls because of its completely awesome design. And to make your life better, the price starts amazingly with a 50% discount; so remember, when you see the Olympics coming, grab the Arjaylite and run like the wind!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Mi Casa de Nuestros Sueños
Mi casa es muy grande y muy moderno. Las salas de nuestra casa son grande y elegante en el primero piso y el segundo piso, y esta entre de el comedor y el despacho. Normalmente, nosotros jugamos el video juegos y miramos el televisor en las salas. Mi casa de sueños tambien tiene tres dormitorios comodos y lujosos. Mis dormitorios son de color amarillo y son al jado de el cuarto de baño. Obviamente, nosotros dormimos en el dormitorios cuando estamos en el dormitorios. Los cuartos de baños son poco pequeño pero son limpio. Los cuartos de baños son de color verde. El barra es elegante y relajante por que sentas y hablas con tus amigos, y es al jado de una sala. El barra es de color morado. El despacho es tranquilo pero grande por que estudiamos la tarea. El despacho es de marron y es entre del dormitorio y el cuarto de baño. La terraza redonda y limpia es de color azul. El jardin es muy bonito y enorme porque hay muchos flores y es entre de la piscina y el garaje. El garaje es de color gris y es enorme porque tiene muchos coches. Y finalmente, la piscina es claro y limpio. La piscina es ala jado de el jardin y es de color azul.
Mi casa es muy grande y muy moderno. Las salas de nuestra casa son grande y elegante en el primero piso y el segundo piso, y esta entre de el comedor y el despacho. Normalmente, nosotros jugamos el video juegos y miramos el televisor en las salas. Mi casa de sueños tambien tiene tres dormitorios comodos y lujosos. Mis dormitorios son de color amarillo y son al jado de el cuarto de baño. Obviamente, nosotros dormimos en el dormitorios cuando estamos en el dormitorios. Los cuartos de baños son poco pequeño pero son limpio. Los cuartos de baños son de color verde. El barra es elegante y relajante por que sentas y hablas con tus amigos, y es al jado de una sala. El barra es de color morado. El despacho es tranquilo pero grande por que estudiamos la tarea. El despacho es de marron y es entre del dormitorio y el cuarto de baño. La terraza redonda y limpia es de color azul. El jardin es muy bonito y enorme porque hay muchos flores y es entre de la piscina y el garaje. El garaje es de color gris y es enorme porque tiene muchos coches. Y finalmente, la piscina es claro y limpio. La piscina es ala jado de el jardin y es de color azul.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Summary of the Giver
An undentified jet flies over frightened Jonas. At school, Asher is late, distracted by salmon. At dinner, family shares feelings.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Journal Writing: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Today, I'm gonna write about........ uh....... let me think. Aha! I'll write about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Today in Drama class, we watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which was the older version by the way) and it made me so hungry! The wafers, the chocolate bars........ ugh, I'll feel sick after 5 bars I think. But we only watched halfway (to the part when Charlie discovers that he has the golden ticket); and I like the newer version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because it has better graphics. But still, the old one was actually pretty good. Well, I think that's all I can tell you. Uh..... (how do I wrap this up?)..... ummm..... well, see ya down the road.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Last friday in class, we watched a TV show called Psych. It's about this guy named Shawn Spencer who acts as if he's psychic and he solves mysteries with his part sidekick, Gus. In this episode of Psych, there was a murder where a rich family's son died. Then, Shawn and Gus goes to the crime scene (which was a house to be exact) where he died. Shawn then, finds clues like a broken coffee maker, a gun and blood on the corner of a diner table. The rich family's son wasn't the only one who died in the crime scene but he's also accompanied by a friend of his who got killed too. Then, Shawn and his buddy, Gus found out that there was some kind of ransom and it was in the family's son's sister's bag. She was about to give the ransom to a guy who works at a store (where they sell things that were donated to the store) until Shawn jumps into action and then takes the ransom bag but he was caught by the sister. She said that there was no money inside but Shawn denied it and he opens the bag but it turned out that there were clothes inside! Now that's a red herring! Then later, Shawn finds out that it was the father of the rich family who did it! How? In his mind, he finally brought all the puzzle pieces together. It starts like this, the father comes in the house and beats his son up to teach him a lesson. He keeps on beating him up until the son's head hits the diner table and his head starts spilling blood. Later the son's friend starts coming in and he saw that his friend's dead and the father killed his son. The father was too scared because the friend might go 911 so he immediately grabs his gun and starts pointing it at the friend. The friend of course starts putting his hands up and the father commanded him to sit down on the chair. After that, the father just shot the friend, and then, the father puts the gun on the friend's hand so the police would think that the friend shot the son. When Shawn finishes the story, he calls the police and they arrest the father. The crime is the murder of the rich family's son and his friend, the detectives were Shawn Spencer and Gus, the victims were the son and his friend, the villain was the father, the suspects were the son's sister and the father and the witness was the dog who saw the whole murder and it was watching from outside the window.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Elements of a Mystery
This picture represents the crime. A crime is the problem in the mystery
and all mysteries need one.
This picture represents the detective. The detective's the person who
solves the crime in a mystery.
This picture represents the villain. The villain is the person who did the crime.
This picture represents the victim. The victim is the person harmed by the villain.
solves the crime in a mystery.
This picture represents the villain. The villain is the person who did the crime.
This picture represents the victim. The victim is the person harmed by the villain.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Yesterday in class, we watched a TV show called Monk. The reason we watched Monk is because we have a Mystery unit and also because we have to see if there are any elements of a mystery in it. In this episode of Monk, there was a baseball match (or was it practice?) and one of the baseball players named Petey hit the baseball which went flying up in the air (it's out of the park!) and over the baseball arena. The coach told Petey to get the baseball but when he was there, there was a cadaver (hands shaking) of an old lady named Mrs Murphy. You may think that's the crime but it actually isn't. And then a couple went to Mrs Murphy's house and they found a voodoo doll of her. A week later, the same thing happpened to Ralph Ferris because he got shocked by lightning and then a voodoo doll was sent to him. And then paramedic Angelines uncle died and there was a voodoo doll. She was weeping about her own uncle and she brought in good luck charms but Monk noticed that a horse shoe decoration was upside down (because the horse shoe acts as a bowl which holds good luck but since it's upside down, it pours the good luck out). Now that's the crime! It's up to Adrian Monk to find out who was the killer of Angeline's uncle. But his assistant, Natalie received a voodoo doll and she was scared! Monk tries to tell her that it's all fake. Still, she was still frightened. Anyways, their first suspect was the shopkeeper of this freak shop (which has voodoo dolls in it) but he said he didn't do it. Later, Natalie was still scared so the shopkeeper comes in and tries to check what's wrong. He said that she's cursed and he'll take it out. So he puts all these disgusting ingredients all together in a bowl and then Natalie started drinking it! The shopkeeper said that it's supposed to be for her neck because the curse was to chop her head off. Monk calls 911 and then the ambulance arrived. Then Angeline (she was a paramedic, remember?) and some other guy carried Natalie into the Ambulance. Then Monk finds out that Angeline was actually the killer and the voodoo dolls were red herrings and then he goes out to chase her with the shopkeeper. And then he catches her. So, yeah, the episode has a surprise ending.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Plastiki
The Plastiki is a catamaran with a hull made out of 12,500 bottles filled with air, and it was set sail from San Francisco to Sydney. The voyage was lead by David Rothschild who was the founder of the plastiki and he is also accompanied by 2 of his crew. On the boat, they have solar panels, a vegetable stand so they can have food during the voyage and many more things. They're trying to tell everyone to recycle their own plastic bottles just like they did. That's why they invented the Plastiki.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
vocab list 10 picture definitions

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Journal Writing: Sick!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry bout the last journal writing i wrote. it sounded crazy and I'm not gonna try to make a think, think, think part 3 to all of you who hated my previous journal writing and I'm saying sorry to the people who loved my previous writing. Anyways, I think I'm gonnna write what i did when i was sick. Starting from the day before, after spanish class, i felt really sick so i went to the nurse. they said that i had tonsilitis( which i kinda normally get when im sick). Tonsilitis is this illness where your tonsils hurt ( that wobbly thing that hangs above your tongue just like in the cartoons and when Buck from ice age 3 was holding on that thing to get out of rudy's tooth) and you get fever too. my mom told me to gargle with this glass of salty water and to drink ginger and lemon water. day 2 or tuesday, my fever was gone but my tonsils hurt really bad more than the one in the first day. I asked nick wats the homework and then i did the homework like as usual except i didn't complete all of them and then i rested a bit and then slept. day 3 or today, I felt completely well!!!! and that's how I ended up sitting on this blue chair, with my hands on the laptop in q2 in middle school in cilandak in jis in jakarta in java in indonesia in southeast asia in asia in the world. actually, it isn't that wobbly thing but it is between its two sides.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Vocab 7 Definitions
Mildew- A disgusting growth which is mostly on clothes and has fungi on it. It feels cold and damp.
Out of the blue- A comment or speech which kind of comes out of nowhere and unexpectedly.
Hesitantly- Someone does an action very carefully and slowly, for example you say a Spanish poem in a very choppy way.
Chateau- A luxurious and big home but not like a castle.
Thunderous- Angry, mad, furious.
Contradiction- To disagree or deny on something. This is often used in the Court.
Faults- A bunch of mistakes or failure on something you're trying to do.
Preserve- To keep something safe and original.
Out of the blue- A comment or speech which kind of comes out of nowhere and unexpectedly.
Hesitantly- Someone does an action very carefully and slowly, for example you say a Spanish poem in a very choppy way.
Chateau- A luxurious and big home but not like a castle.
Thunderous- Angry, mad, furious.
Contradiction- To disagree or deny on something. This is often used in the Court.
Faults- A bunch of mistakes or failure on something you're trying to do.
Preserve- To keep something safe and original.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Journal Writing: This is too crazy ( AKA Think,think,think part 2)
Whoa!!!!! I made 7 touchdowns at touch rugby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it awesome or what? Well, that's my update and I think I'll be writing bout............. uuuuhhhhh............... uhhhhhhhhhh............... I don't know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well at least I thought of the same title. Uhhhhh........... uhhhhhhh........... uhhhhhhhh............. I don't know what to write in my journal entry. Maybe I'll write about why I can't write things in my journal entry now! It's because i can't think of anything. hmmmmm.... or maybe it's because all of them are secret...... I can't tell whether it's the first or the second. Hey! I got an idea, I'll write which choice is better choice 1 or 2! hmmmmmm........ I don't think that will work. Hey! I got an idea, i'll write about why things don't work! Maybe it's because they're sometimes malfunctioned and........... I can't think of anything now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the craziest journal writing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the craziest journal writing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Journal Writing: Semester Break part 2 (only part of it)
I can't show part 1 because it's classified and the second isn't quite as secret as it is. The semester break I'm talking about is the one last year in October. That time, we landed in the Philippines (I and my dad only, my siblings and my mom are in Indonesia), and my grandpa was waiting outside. Then, we went to his house where my grandma and my uncle and my aunt and my cousin were. They actually missed us! We ate breakfast (It was 6:30 in the morning and we left Indonesia at 2:00) and I played PSP. I can't remember the rest, sorry about that.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why is Haiti so Poor?
1) First of all, at 1930s, Haiti used to be one of the richest lands until other countries took over and they controlled it such as France.
2) The food prices increased which doesn't help the Haitians because they can't afford it.
3) Another reason is that they used to have popular coffee exports but soon, the worlds coffee prices went low and Haiti gets less money.
4) So, they decided to make corn, peanuts and bananas to feed and raise their families, until someone came to them and taught them how to make charcoal instead. They agreed but they didn't think about what would be the results, like less trees, less water and less food, and less forests.
5) Another reason is that they can't get fish because soil erosions swept them and the coral reefs away.
6) Their religion, Voodoo, causes them misery because they have to do painful punishments.
7) In Haiti, there is less rainfall which makes the plants have malnutrition which makes the animals starve and they die leaving less food, and there are less trees due to soil erosions.
2) The food prices increased which doesn't help the Haitians because they can't afford it.
3) Another reason is that they used to have popular coffee exports but soon, the worlds coffee prices went low and Haiti gets less money.
4) So, they decided to make corn, peanuts and bananas to feed and raise their families, until someone came to them and taught them how to make charcoal instead. They agreed but they didn't think about what would be the results, like less trees, less water and less food, and less forests.
5) Another reason is that they can't get fish because soil erosions swept them and the coral reefs away.
6) Their religion, Voodoo, causes them misery because they have to do painful punishments.
7) In Haiti, there is less rainfall which makes the plants have malnutrition which makes the animals starve and they die leaving less food, and there are less trees due to soil erosions.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
10 sentences for Vocab 6
1) The fugitive tried to run as fast as he could from the police but unfortunately, he tripped over a can of coke and they easily got him.
2) A mosquito would be an example for an insect who mainly antagonizes a living thing.
3) Today, John went to Johnny's house and they both played with water guns filled with water color. Obviously, Johnny won because John had a giant splotch of water color on his back.
4) 2 weeks ago, I saw this really cute puppy walking with its owner across the pedestrian lane. Then, a bus came by and ran over that puppy. The owner sobbed, the driver gasped with horror, the passengers on the bus blamed him, and I felt really sorry for him but I said "That is one sad carcass".
5) In my 12th birthday, I got a parcel which has a laptop inside it!
6) At Christmas, my little brother was happy to have a Bionicle but the annoying thing is that he had to read this really extensive manual to build it.
7) I love this eccentric song, STARSSSTRUCK because it has whistles in it (Songs barely have those).
8) When I watched the video about the survivors of Haiti, I felt really pitiful about them.
9) My mind, my brain and my soul is also my realm called Rgeetopia.
10) I can't believe it! My big brother's basketball team were real dominants because they were first place!
2) A mosquito would be an example for an insect who mainly antagonizes a living thing.
3) Today, John went to Johnny's house and they both played with water guns filled with water color. Obviously, Johnny won because John had a giant splotch of water color on his back.
4) 2 weeks ago, I saw this really cute puppy walking with its owner across the pedestrian lane. Then, a bus came by and ran over that puppy. The owner sobbed, the driver gasped with horror, the passengers on the bus blamed him, and I felt really sorry for him but I said "That is one sad carcass".
5) In my 12th birthday, I got a parcel which has a laptop inside it!
6) At Christmas, my little brother was happy to have a Bionicle but the annoying thing is that he had to read this really extensive manual to build it.
7) I love this eccentric song, STARSSSTRUCK because it has whistles in it (Songs barely have those).
8) When I watched the video about the survivors of Haiti, I felt really pitiful about them.
9) My mind, my brain and my soul is also my realm called Rgeetopia.
10) I can't believe it! My big brother's basketball team were real dominants because they were first place!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Journal Writing: Think, think, think
I don't know what the title would be, and also, I don't know what to write about. I'll try to write about what's going on in my what-I-am-gonna-do thing (Can't think of anything else) because there are events coming up. Like, Interscholastic Basketball tryouts are coming up and I should practice, and there is the movie I'm gonna be acting in. I can't think of anything else. So hard to think!!! Well at least I thought of a title.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Update on Haiti
Today, we went on either Al Jereeza, CNN, or BBC to find any news about Haiti. I found out that Hillary Clinton will meet the President of Haiti with other officials such as the U.S Agency for International Development. They were all discussing that they would be giving food, water, medical aids, transportation and electricity, and they all agreed. So, they sent food from a coast guard plane, 100 cases of water, 100 cases of ready-to eat food, and toiletries. I was wondering what happened to the transportation and the electricity? Well at least the Hatians got what they needed. I'm happy of what's happening.
Today, we went on either Al Jereeza, CNN, or BBC to find any news about Haiti. I found out that Hillary Clinton will meet the President of Haiti with other officials such as the U.S Agency for International Development. They were all discussing that they would be giving food, water, medical aids, transportation and electricity, and they all agreed. So, they sent food from a coast guard plane, 100 cases of water, 100 cases of ready-to eat food, and toiletries. I was wondering what happened to the transportation and the electricity? Well at least the Hatians got what they needed. I'm happy of what's happening.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The tragedy at Haiti
I heard from my mum yesterday that there was an earthquake in Haiti, and 16 buildings (or maybe more) collapsed. I was sad because from 2009 to now, many earthquakes occured like the time there was an earthquake here in Jakarta, or maybe the one in Japan, but there were more I slightly forgotten. Anyways, this earthquake was really bad because more than 100,000 people in Haiti died from falling buildings and others. But some survived and an Argentine hospital still standed (a whole crowd would obviously be there!). But also, the president's palace got broken too! Still, I was really sad about the disaster. In class, I watched a video in CNN.com about this reporter talking to the survivors. It was really miserable, and I felt pitiful (hand shaking).
I heard from my mum yesterday that there was an earthquake in Haiti, and 16 buildings (or maybe more) collapsed. I was sad because from 2009 to now, many earthquakes occured like the time there was an earthquake here in Jakarta, or maybe the one in Japan, but there were more I slightly forgotten. Anyways, this earthquake was really bad because more than 100,000 people in Haiti died from falling buildings and others. But some survived and an Argentine hospital still standed (a whole crowd would obviously be there!). But also, the president's palace got broken too! Still, I was really sad about the disaster. In class, I watched a video in CNN.com about this reporter talking to the survivors. It was really miserable, and I felt pitiful (hand shaking).
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Journal Writing: Not Again!
Last year, at the first week of sixth grade, I was totally stressed out. So I went to the counselor and tell her about it. Then, after a month, I felt relaxed and felt normal again. But now, in the second semester, I felt really worried because of the new subjects I'm gonna take. I thought to stop worrying because it didn't happened yet. Anyways, at the first day of the second semester, I looked at the new subjects I'm gonna take and it was Drama and Movement. Not bad. I realized that being stressful can make you too worried but it didn't happen. Now, like in some of the stories or cartoon shows, the moral lesson is to not be worried at all. It's like you're scared of what's inside the closet but you didn't open it. Oh well, looks like that my problems were solved.
Last year, at the first week of sixth grade, I was totally stressed out. So I went to the counselor and tell her about it. Then, after a month, I felt relaxed and felt normal again. But now, in the second semester, I felt really worried because of the new subjects I'm gonna take. I thought to stop worrying because it didn't happened yet. Anyways, at the first day of the second semester, I looked at the new subjects I'm gonna take and it was Drama and Movement. Not bad. I realized that being stressful can make you too worried but it didn't happen. Now, like in some of the stories or cartoon shows, the moral lesson is to not be worried at all. It's like you're scared of what's inside the closet but you didn't open it. Oh well, looks like that my problems were solved.
Monday, January 11, 2010
2 Stories in 1: New Year and Staying at home!
December 31, 2009,
It's gonna be great! I can't wait for the first decade of the second millenium! Aka, 2010, but it's sad that I will say good bye to 2009 because this year, it was fun. I'll remember all of the good and the best memories, and keep it in my head. What I wrote may sound weird but it's true. But still, I should let go, go on and look into the future! Anyways, at 10:00pm we played Monopoly Deal until 11:00pm. We were actually playing too much that we missed the countdown! Oh well, Happy New Year!
Staying at home

Saturday, January 9, 2010
My child days are about to be almost over.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My mum said that I and my little brother will go to Kidzania with our friend, Lawrence. I thought it would be too childish but she said it would be fun. Oh well. Anyways, we went to the car and then we drove to Pacific Place. We sprinted through escalators leaving my mother and aunt behind. At the fourth floor, we found the ticket place. Then, we went in Kidzania and played there ( It'll take for a long time if I specifically explained it). For lunch, we ate burgers, and I ordered crispy chicken. After the meal, we played for the remaining rest of the 5 hours. Actually it was fun, and then, when all of the seven hours are spent, we went grocery shopping. After that, I randomly passed by Matthew and Stuart, and then, we went home. I raced back to all of those memories that day, and I thought being a kid is cool after all, but since I'm growing older now and then, I thought that this would be the last day of Rgee the kid.

Sunday, January 3, 2010
A Merry Merry Merry Christmas Eve!
December 24th,
It was seven o' clock and I was waiting for both of the clock's hands to reach at the number 12, and I was sitting in front of my dinner, taco shells, food toppings, and salsa. That's right, I'm having a taco for dinner, and it was great and delicious! I went on Facebook to greet everyone a merry Christmas Eve at 9:00pm. Well that killed some time! After that, I, my Dad and my brothers ( my mother was cooking more dinner we're gonna eat at midnight) played Monopoly Deal and it took for a long time (I forgot how many hours it spent) to find the winner. By 10:00pm, we chatted with my grandma and the rest of the family in the Philippines throughn Yahoo Messenger. I missed the family there a lot, and I hope that we would visit our homeland, but we didn't somehow. Anyways, at 11:00pm, the food was served, there was portabello mushrooms with cheese, biscuits and more cheese, and more tasty midnight snacks. And finally all of I've been waiting for, it's Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!! We all went under our Christmas tree and my mom called each family member one by one, and then they opened the presents given to them, for example, my little brother got a Bionicle, my big brother got an Ipod Nano (I guess I don't need to get one because I could just borrow it from my brother). My dad got a Rudy Project series golf sunglasses, and my mom got clothes and dresses. I got a cooling pad for my laptop and a pen which came from a company named Zebra. I didn't get that much because the rest of the presents were given to me on my birthday, but I had a wonderful Christmas Eve!
Things I had for Christmas:
A cooling pad (for the laptop)
It was seven o' clock and I was waiting for both of the clock's hands to reach at the number 12, and I was sitting in front of my dinner, taco shells, food toppings, and salsa. That's right, I'm having a taco for dinner, and it was great and delicious! I went on Facebook to greet everyone a merry Christmas Eve at 9:00pm. Well that killed some time! After that, I, my Dad and my brothers ( my mother was cooking more dinner we're gonna eat at midnight) played Monopoly Deal and it took for a long time (I forgot how many hours it spent) to find the winner. By 10:00pm, we chatted with my grandma and the rest of the family in the Philippines throughn Yahoo Messenger. I missed the family there a lot, and I hope that we would visit our homeland, but we didn't somehow. Anyways, at 11:00pm, the food was served, there was portabello mushrooms with cheese, biscuits and more cheese, and more tasty midnight snacks. And finally all of I've been waiting for, it's Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!! We all went under our Christmas tree and my mom called each family member one by one, and then they opened the presents given to them, for example, my little brother got a Bionicle, my big brother got an Ipod Nano (I guess I don't need to get one because I could just borrow it from my brother). My dad got a Rudy Project series golf sunglasses, and my mom got clothes and dresses. I got a cooling pad for my laptop and a pen which came from a company named Zebra. I didn't get that much because the rest of the presents were given to me on my birthday, but I had a wonderful Christmas Eve!
Things I had for Christmas:
A cooling pad (for the laptop)
A pen
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