Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Journal Writing: The last week

Today's the day of the VPA concert, and I'm screwed because I didn't bring my VPA concert uniform. My strings teacher is gonna get mad at me so much, and the performance starts at 1:10pm! Also, my phone ran out of pulsa. If I could just borrow someones phone (hope it has pulsa) and call my mom to bring the uniform, then I'll no longer have problems. I hope that could happen. Anyways, that's the bad news. The good news is that I can't wait for the sem break on friday! I could play Warcraft and spend time with the whole family from the Philippines! It's gonna be awesome! But now, I just have to wait for it and spend time solving my problem. Now that's what I call another problem! Well, I really don't know if it's a problem or not, but anyways, at the VPA concert, we're gonna play this music called Rhythm and Blues. It may look really hard but if you practice it many times, it may sound easy.

1 comment:

Michael said...

But you got through the concert without too much embarrassment, didn't you?

And now here we are, on break, eh, Rgee?
