Monday, April 12, 2010

Elements of a Mystery

This picture represents the crime. A crime is the problem in the mystery
and all mysteries need one.

This picture represents the detective. The detective's the person who
solves the crime in a mystery.

This picture represents the villain. The villain is the person who did the crime.

This picture represents the victim. The victim is the person harmed by the villain.

This picture represents the witness. The witness is the one who saw the crime.

This picture represents the suspect. The suspect is the person who might be the villain and they're oftenly related to the victim.


Ivan Zhang said...

I really like the victum pic, it when people think of victum, they think of dead body, but u put a cartoon person kidnapped, good job

Ocean Lover said...

Awesome post Rgee! I love your victim picture.

Rgee said...

I think victim's a really good picture on my post because when you think of victim, a dead body pops up but instead,I chose a person kidnapped

Middle school Neil said...

Nice post rgee awesome on the suspect on the witness one really cool :P

Brandon said...

I love the pic for witness

Yong Hee Lee said...

Nice job on this post, but you might want to consider about changing your template. It's kinda confusing to read. Anyway, cool pics :D